dimanche 27 septembre 2015

Chapters 72 and 73

Update : as you noticed I got stuck for a couple of weeks. I expect to post more stuff in the following week.

It took me a lot of efforts but I managed to finish the main story !

Three chapters (45, 46 and 71) are still to be written, they focus on Norman and Jessica.

All in all there are 81 chapters and an epilogue (a 82th chapter in terms of number of pages). I managed to end the book exactly as I intended to.

I will publish two chapters per week, only in .odt and .pdf format. At a later time, in late October or in November, I will publish the book, renamed "Glasses, Pulleys and Bread" in three large files :
1- Glasses : Erich's departure from Chicago
2- Pulleys : Peacetime in Joyeux-Tiburon (levees etc.)
3- Bread : From the CCC crisis on.

Here are chapters 72 and 73 :


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