dimanche 28 septembre 2014

Chapters 68

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10 pages
The relocation north is under way, and Erich tries hard to be up to the task.

Current writing status : Chapter 71 is underway, chapters 45 and 46 are still not written.

Okay, so I'm back for some more chapters. I will post one chapter per week, because things have still to be adjusted. On the Louisiana side of the novel, things will be evolving to a post-crisis situation from the chapter 70, and so the time frame changes gradually into a protracted epilogue.

After having arrived to the chapter 74, I'm going to switch back to the Norman and Jessica story, first by finishing the chapters 45 and 46, then... Well it's been said I'm spoiling too much of the novel in these posts.

Things continue to evolve for me, I have to work longer hours at my job, but I try to free up enough time to finish the novel. There are ideas for other novels, but I will first finish this one.

There will be one chapter per week in October, and then I except to be able to post about two chapters per month during the winter. 

 "Glasses and Pulleys" is now over 355,000 words long.


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